
Cutting Taxes and Lowering Costs for Long Islanders

In Congress, I will work to lower costs for hardworking families on Long Island, including by restoring the SALT deduction to lower taxes for homeowners, protecting and expanding Medicare’s power to negotiate drug prices, and holding corporations accountable for price gouging that increases prices on groceries, gas and so much more.

Defending Reproductive Freedoms

I will always fight for our reproductive freedoms and abortion rights. In Congress, I will stand up against anti-abortion extremism and push to reinstate the protections of Roe v. Wade, pass the Women’s Health Protection Act, and codify the right to contraception and IVF into law.


In Congress, I will work to ensure our public schools have the resources they need to set all students up for success and support them after graduation, by working to lower the cost of higher education, provide more access to training and apprenticeships for careers in trades and manufacturing, and ensure our community colleges have the resources they need.

Fixing Our Broken Immigration System

I will work with anyone, Democrat or Republican, to find bipartisan solutions to secure our border and fix our broken immigration system. My priorities include increased funding for Border Patrol, investment in better technology to aid our border patrol and expedited asylum and deportation proceedings. I will fight to bring federal aid to New York to compensate for the resources we have spent dealing with the migrant crisis. And work to establish an earned pathway to citizenship for law-abiding immigrants.

Gun Safety

In Congress, I will stand up to the gun lobby and advocate for common-sense gun safety measures. I will support universal background checks to ensure guns aren’t in the hands of dangerous individuals and an assault weapons ban to help prevent the next Buffalo or Parkland shooting. I will with anyone, Democrat and Republicans, to expand our red flag laws, so police and mental health professionals can take guns away from those who might hurt themselves or others.

Haitian Americans

In Congress, I will defend the Haitian community in the face of racist, conspiratorial attacks from extremists — the Haitian American community deserves to be respected and celebrated, not ostracized and slandered.


I am a strong supporter of the state of Israel and will always support Israel as both our closest ally in the region and as the eternal home of the Jewish people.

Since October 7th, I have stood shoulder to shoulder with Israel and the Jewish community in New York. I will support Israel’s defense against the Iranian regime and its terrorist proxies, Hamas and Hezbollah. I will push for a resolution to the conflict, which must include the return of hostages and a firm commitment to pursue a two-state solution. And in the United States, I will pursue strong policies to stop the scourge of antisemitism that has surged in our schools, against our synagogues, and on social media.


In Congress, I will support the PRO Act and stand with the hardworking men and women of Labor in their effort to secure fair pay, better benefits, and stronger working conditions.

Mental Health

Our students, seniors, veterans and so many other Americans are experiencing mental health issues and need access to care. In Congress, I will fight to devote more federal resources to our communities and schools, so that all individuals and children can have access to the mental health resources they need.

Protecting Our Environment

I will always work to preserve and protect our shorelines and the natural beauty here on Long Island. In Congress, I will fight to hold chemical manufacturers accountable for contaminating our drinking water with carcinogens and work with our Towns and Villages so they have the resources they need to update their infrastructure to ensure clean drinking water is available for all Nassau County families.

Protecting Social Security and Medicare

When you spend a lifetime working hard and paying into the system, you deserve a dignified retirement — that means having enough to pay for the basics and receiving access to affordable healthcare. In Congress, I will always protect Social Security and Medicare, and reject any effort to slash these crucial programs that our seniors have earned.

Public Safety

Everyone deserves to feel safe in their community — in their home, at school, at their place of worship, and at work. That’s why in Congress I will fight for increased funding to support and hire more local law enforcement and invest in public safety initiatives. I will work to pass legislation to make it easier to prosecute drug traffickers who distribute and traffic fentanyl.


It is our solemn responsibility to support the men and women who serve in our military when they return home. That means ensuring they get the assistance they need to secure employment, get healthcare, and find housing.